AJD: Awesome ques. One I have pondered in the past.
JSGS: Right?! Is it two questions rolled into one?
AJD: Hmm.
JSGS: it seems like two questions rolled into one.
AJD: It might be! Okay. Let’s treat it that way.
My impulse is to say VERY.
JSGS: My impulse is to say very BUT.
AJD: Indeed!
JSGS: I heard this depressing thing on This American Life or some shit like that that said that you're really only chemically IN LOVE with someone for 18 months, and after that a bond has to form for some other reason.
AJD: Fuck, I take pretty much everything on TAL as gospel, so I guess that must be true.
JSGS: I wonder about Dear Reader's relationship. Is the sex the cylinder that doesn't fire? Or . . . is it something else? Because if zie (fuck the haters, I love gender-neutral pronouns) has a really solid partnership, I would just buy some personal sex devices and sack up.
AJD: See, if this were just about NO sex, then COMMUNICATION would be priority one. And I suppose the same could be said for BAD sex, though that's a teensy bit trickier. If you've been with someone for a long time without saying HEY I WANT YOU TO DO XYZ, suddenly announcing what you want might be, like, a curveball.
JSGS: And they may like to catch instead of pitch IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN (IYKWIM) or pitch instead of catch. YKWIM.
AJD: Though if there's been a lack of communication IN THE BEDROOM throughout then maybe DR needs to sack up and admit some responsibility.
JSGS: Right. But DR does say that zie has tried all the things that, like, the vibrator store tells you to try. Buying books and videos, etc. Yet DR does NOT say that zie has asked SO what SO likes.
AJD: It's possible that SO doesn't know what zie likes. And is unable to communicate that. It’s also possible that SO really just isn't into sex. For whatever reason. Depression, lack of spark, boredom.
JSGS: Trauma. Could be trauma. NOT THAT I KNOW SO. But you are right that this query sounds pretty one-sided. DR I AM NOT CRITICIZING YOU.
AJD: No criticism.
JSGS: I think sex is less important than most other things unless it is a symptom of a problem with those things. But I guess that's sort of about personal sex drive issues or whatever.
AJD: Well sure.
JSGS: I can live without regular sheet-jumpin'. I guess if DR can't, it's time to give SO the heave ho. That totally rhymed.
AJD: You're great.
JSGS: But I think first, honestly, if the conversation about why not hasn't happened, then DR needs to do that before jumpin outta the sack at the first passing ship.
AJD: Okay so. Step one. Determine if relationship is worth saving. If yes, proceed to step two. If no, pack your things and don't forget your toothbrush. Ain’t nothin' sadder than getting dumped and then having to stare at the dumper's toothbrush.
Step two. Sit down with SO and have an honest, clear, open conversation about The Sex. In this conversation, ask clearly for what you want. More sex? Ask for it. Better sex? Ask for it. More communication during the sex time? Ask for it. If SO is receptive, move on to step three. If SO is not receptive, go back to step one.
JSGS: Cause like, ditching someone who doesn't like sex because zie has PTSD is LAME
AJD: Step three! Give it some time. The amount of time can be determined during step one. If nothing changes, go back to step one. If things change, do a dance.
What happened to question 2?
What a good question, C. What a good question indeed.
I have no idea.
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